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Meet the Team

Marcia Simms

Marcia Simms

Communications and Outreach Lead

Marcia sits on the Technology Transformation Services Outreach and Marketing team. She joined TTS in February 2024 as the FedRAMP Communications and Outreach Lead. Marcia creates, implements, and oversees strategic communications, outreach and marketing efforts. She promotes and positions FedRAMP externally to key stakeholders, including federal agency partners and private sector tech customers.

In 2022, Marcia joined GSA as a Client Communications Specialist in the Office of Strategic Communication. She completed a short detail assignment as an Outreach Lead for the White House Presidential Innovation Fellows program in 2023.

Marcia is a creative thinker and motivated by solutions-driven problem-solving. Prior to joining GSA, she worked at several different federal agencies doing marketing and communications. In addition to her time at the Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), she spent several years working as a Senior Marketing Specialist at the Peace Corps and as a Brand Marketing Specialist at the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).

Some of Marcia’s favorite professional projects included assisting with the development of the new brand identification platform and logo for the Peace Corps in 2016; the design and implementation of Peace Corps’ first SaaS-hosted digital asset management system (Brand Central) in 2017; designing and managing commercial sales collateral and training materials for the USPS global business division and point-of-sale materials for over 33,000 USPS retail offices; and managing multi-million dollar paid media campaigns for the release of commemorative stamps like the Harry Potter and March on Washington stamp collections.